Instant payments
You can pay for your order immediately using one of the selected methods. Payment details will not be required or will be already filled in, which will reduce the risk of error, e.g. when copying the account number. All you need to do is read the completed details and confirm the payment, and the payment will be transferred to our store. This will allow you to start processing your order without having to wait for payment confirmation from the bank.
Payments in our store are fully secure, encrypted and use an SSL certificate.
Instant transfer – a convenient method based on bank transfers, but without the need to fill in data (recipient's account number, amount and transfer title). After logging in to electronic banking, simply confirm the transaction, e.g. using an SMS code.
Blik – fast and secure payments using an authorisation code that you generate in your bank's application.
Payment Card – A payment method that requires you to enter the details on your debit or credit card and then authorize the payment.
Paypo – you shop today and pay only after checking the products. When placing an order, you register on the PayPo website and confirm the transaction with an SMS code. PayPo pays for your purchases, and you settle with PayPo within 30 days.
Klarna – a method that allows you to pay for your purchases within 30 days and without any additional costs. Klarna will remind you of the upcoming payment date. You can pay by payment card, blik or fast transfer.
PayPal – a wallet-style service that allows you to pay for your orders in multiple currencies.
Traditional payments
Bank transfer – after placing the order, the goods will be reserved for you and you will receive a bank account number to your email address, to which the correct amount should be transferred. You can send the transfer from your bank's website, at a bank branch or at the post office. Choosing this method will extend the total order processing time by the time needed to record your payment.
Cash on delivery – you pay for your order to the courier when you receive your package. Prepare the exact amount of cash, not every courier has a cashless payment terminal.