Regulamin sklepu

Yu'Matcha Online Store Regulations

  1. General provisions, contact with the store owner
    1. These regulations (hereinafter referred to as the " Regulations ") define the terms and conditions of use of the Yu'Matcha online store, operating at www https://yumatcha.com .
    2. The owner of the Store is Alicja Maksymow , an entrepreneur running a business under the name of MaxMaximus with its registered office at the following address: Ul Kolejowa 14, 66-120 Kargowa, entered into the Central Register and Information on Business Activity, NIP: 9231478864 (hereinafter referred to as the " Seller ").
    3. The Seller's contact details are as follows:
      Contact address: ul. Kolejowa14, 66-120 Kargowa
      E-mail address: hello@yumatcha.com 
      1. Telephone number: 608678867 (telephone customer service hours – in the Contact tab).
        Contact point for communication with EU Member State authorities, the European Commission, the Digital Services Council: alicjamaxmaximus@gmail.com . Communication may be conducted in Polish.
  2. Technical requirements
    1. In order to use the Store, you must have:
      1. a computer or other device with an internet browser;
      2. access to the Internet;
      3. activeemailaddress.
  3. Personal data
    1. The administrator of the personal data of the Store's customers is the Seller.
    2. All information about the processing of personal data of customers and other persons using the Store's website can be read in the Privacy Policy .
  4. Conclusion of sales contract, customer account
    1. The Store enables the purchase of goods (hereinafter referred to as " Goods ") displayed on the Store's website in two modes:
      1. without registration;
      2. with creating an account in the Store.
      In both cases, in order to place an order, you must select the Goods in the Store, add them to the "Basket" using the appropriate button and continue the ordering procedure by selecting the appropriate options (delivery and payment method).
    2. Information about products in the Store, i.e. descriptions and prices, constitute an invitation to conclude a sales contract within the meaning of Art. 71 of the Civil Code, in accordance with the terms of the Regulations.
    3. The condition for placing an order is to complete all required data necessary for the execution of the contract in the order form and possibly (at the customer's request) also data for generating a VAT invoice.
    4. If the customer decides to set up an account in the Store (hereinafter " Account "), registration is one-time, and the e-mail address and password chosen by the customer are the basis for subsequent logging in. Details of the Seller's provision of the digital Account management service are available below in the Account Regulations . The Store also allows logging in to the Account via social media and/or a user account in the Google system. After logging in to the Account, the customer has access to the history of their orders, and for subsequent orders they do not have to fill out the order form with their personal data again.
    5. The customer may cancel their account at any time without incurring any costs. To do this, send your cancellation to the following e-mail address: alicjamaxmaximus@gmail.com.
    6. The customer's approval of the order by clicking the "Buy and pay" button (or another button with the same wording) means:
      1. submitting to the Seller an offer to purchase the Goods in accordance with the options selected in the order and in accordance with these Regulations,
      2. acceptance of the obligation to pay the price of the Goods and the costs of their delivery.
    7. The sales agreement (hereinafter referred to as the "Agreement" ) is concluded at the time of acceptance of the order by the Seller for execution (acceptance of the customer's offer), about which the Seller informs via e-mail confirming acceptance of the order for execution.
    8. If it is not possible to fulfill the order for the Goods (in whole or in part), the Seller will inform the customer about this - then the Agreement is not concluded. The Seller will also inform the customer about the existing possibilities of another method of fulfilling the order, eg partial fulfillment of the order or waiting for the Seller to replenish the stock. If the order has been previously paid for by the customer and it is not possible to fulfill, the Seller will immediately return the payments made to the customer (according to the scope of the order cancellation). ;
    9. The Seller shall provide the Customer with confirmation of the conclusion of the Agreement on a durable medium at the latest upon delivery of the Goods.
    10. The store is not responsible for non-delivery of the order or delay in its delivery resulting from the customer providing an incomplete/incorrect delivery address or failure to provide other data necessary to complete the order.
    11. The Seller reserves the right to suspend the order in a situation where the customer has provided false data or when such data raises reasonable doubts as to its correctness. In such a case, the Seller (if possible) will attempt to contact the customer to verify the truthfulness of the data provided.
  5. Prices and payment methods
    1. The prices of the Goods are given in Polish zloty (PLN) and in gross amounts, i.e. including VAT.
    2. The cost of delivery of Goods is given separately in the Store's shopping cart, depending on the delivery method chosen by the customer.
    3. The available payment methods are described on the Store website in the "Payment methods" tab and are presented to the customer at the ordering stage (in the shopping cart).
    4. The store offers the following payment methods:
      1. traditional bank transfer to the Seller's account
      2. fast electronic transfer / BLIK / payment with a so-called virtual wallet - via the payment platform:
        • Transfers24
      3. card payment: Visa, Visa Electron, MasterCard, MasterCard Electronic
      4. cash on delivery (cash on delivery)
      5. payment in cash or by card upon personal collection at the stationary Store point
      6. deferred payment – via the operator indicated at the ordering stage
    5. If the customer has chosen payment by regular bank transfer, payment for the order should be made within 3 days of its placement. In the absence of payment within the above-mentioned period, the Agreement is considered not to have been concluded. The previous sentence does not apply to situations where the Seller offers customers deferred payment/payment in installments through an external partner.
  6. Delivery of goods
    1. Delivery of Goods takes place according to the customer's choice:
      • via courier company
      • to InPost parcel lockers
      • via ORLEN packages
      • personal collection
    2. The customer can also collect the order:
      1. in person at the Seller's registered office
    3. With the exception of Goods collected by the customer in person, the order is considered fulfilled at the moment of sending the shipment to the customer (entrusting the shipment to a carrier engaged in transport). The exact actual delivery date of the shipment is specified by the carrier.
    4. Goods are shipped by the Seller within 3 business days, unless a different time is clearly specified in the product description when the customer places the order. Detailed delivery times are provided on the Store's website in the "Order delivery time" tab.
    5. The Seller normally handles orders in the Republic of Poland for the costs indicated on the Store's website in the "Delivery time and costs" tab. Shipment abroad is possible for the costs indicated on the Store's website or costs individually agreed with the customer.
  7. Withdrawal from the contract
    1. A customer who is a consumer or an entrepreneur referred to in article. 7aa of the Consumer Rights Act (hereinafter referred to as the “ Privilege Entrepreneur ”) has the statutory right to withdraw from the contract of sale of the Goods within 14 days of its receipt, without giving any reason, subject to the exceptions referred to below .
    2. To meet the deadline for withdrawal from the contract, it is sufficient for the customer to send a statement within the above deadline:
      • in electronic form to the following address: alicjamaxmaximus@gmail.com or
      • in writing to the following address: ul. Kolejowa14, 66-120 Kargowa.
    3. The declaration of withdrawal from the contract may be submitted using the template available here , although the use of the template is not obligatory. The seller will immediately send the customer an e-mail confirming receipt of the declaration of withdrawal from the contract.
    4. Then, within the next 14 days, the customer should send the returned Goods at his/her own expense to the following postal address: Ul Kolejowa 14, 66-120 Kargowa.
    5. The Seller shall immediately, no later than within 14 days of receiving the declaration of withdrawal from the contract, refund to the Customer:
      • prices of the Goods;
      • the costs of the original shipment of the Goods to the customer according to the cheapest standard method of delivery offered in the Store.
    6. The Seller may withhold the refund until it receives the Goods back, or until the Customer provides the Seller with proof of sending back the Goods.
    7. Refunds will be made using the same payment method that was used by the customer in the initial transaction, unless the customer expressly agrees to another solution.
    8. The Customer shall be liable for reducing the value of the returned Goods if, before submitting a declaration of withdrawal from the contract, the Customer used the Goods in a way other than necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the item.
  8. Exceptions to the right to withdraw from the contract for the sale of Goods
    1. The right to withdraw from the contract does not apply in the case of Contracts for the delivery of Goods:
      1. non-prefabricated, manufactured according to the specifications of the consumer/Privileged Entrepreneur or intended to meet his/her individual needs (personalised goods);
      2. that spoil quickly or have a short shelf life (perishable goods);
      3. delivered in a sealed package, if the package has been opened by the customer and the goods cannot be returned after opening the package due to health protection or hygiene reasons (goods packed for hygiene reasons);
      4. audio or video recordings or computer programs supplied on a tangible medium (e.g. CD) in a sealed package, if the package has been opened after delivery;
      5. which after delivery, due to their nature, are inseparably combined with other goods (e.g. construction materials, if used);
      6. newspapers, periodicals or magazines, with the exception of a subscription contract (printed press);
      7. the price of which depends on fluctuations in the financial market over which the Seller has no control and which may occur before the deadline for withdrawal from the contract expires;
      8. alcoholic beverages, the price of which was agreed upon at the conclusion of the sales contract and which can only be delivered after 30 days and whose value depends on market fluctuations over which the Seller has no control.
  9. Complaints
    1. The Seller is obligated to deliver to the customer the Goods in accordance with the Agreement.
    2. Wobec konsumentów i Przedsiębiorców Uprzywilejowanych Sprzedawca ponosi odpowiedzialność za zgodność Towarów zgodnie z przepisami ustawy o prawach konsumenta. Wobec pozostałych klientów Sprzedawca ponosi odpowiedzialność na zasadach wynikających z kodeksu cywilnego.
    3. Reklamacje mogą być składane:
      • w formie elektronicznej na adres: alicjamaxmaximus@gmail.com
      • lub w formie pisemnej na adres: Ul Kolejowa 14, 66-120 Kargowa.
    4. Sprzedawca rozpatrzy reklamację w takiej formie, w jakiej została ona złożona (pisemnie lub poprzez wiadomość e-mail) w terminie 14 dni od otrzymania reklamacji.
    5. W razie niezadowolenia ze sposobu załatwienia reklamacji przez Sprzedawcę, konsument i Przedsiębiorca Uprzywilejowany mogą (niezależnie od zwykłego postępowania przed sądem powszechnym) skorzystać także z pozasądowych sposobów rozpatrywania reklamacji i dochodzenia roszczeń.
    6. W powyższym celu można:
      1. zwrócić się do wojewódzkiego inspektora Inspekcji Handlowej z wnioskiem o wszczęcie postępowania mediacyjnego w sprawie polubownego zakończenia sporu,
      2. skorzystać z pomocy powiatowego (miejskiego) rzecznika praw konsumenta lub organizacji społecznej, do której statutowych zadań należy ochrona konsumentów,
      3. skorzystać z platformy ODR (Online Dispute Resolution), która służy do internetowego rozstrzygania sporów pomiędzy konsumentami i przedsiębiorcami, jeśli spór dotyczy zobowiązań wynikających z umowy zawartej przez internet. Więcej informacji o platformie ODR można znaleźć tutaj,
      4. zwrócić się do stałego polubownego sądu konsumenckiego z wnioskiem o rozstrzygnięcie sporu wynikłego z zawartej umowy.
    7. Dodatkowe informacje odnośnie pozasądowych sposobów rozpatrywania reklamacji i dochodzenia roszczeń można uzyskać także na stronie Urzędu Ochrony Konkurencji i Konsumentów: https://polubowne.uokik.gov.pl/.
  10. Opinie o produktach
    1. W Sklepie istnieje możliwość dodania przez klienta opinii o produkcie (dalej "Opinie").
    2. Opinie dodawane przez klienta powinny być legalne w rozumieniu aktu o usługach cyfrowych (DSA) oraz zgodne z dobrymi obyczajami, co oznacza, że nie można zamieszczać Opinii:
      • o charakterze bezprawnym;
      • sprzecznych z dobrymi obyczajami, a w szczególności: zawierających treści obraźliwe, pornograficzne, obrażające uczucia religijne, wzywające do nienawiści rasowej, etnicznej, wyznaniowej;
      • naruszających praw innych osób, w tym w szczególności majątkowych i osobistych praw autorskich oraz prawa do prywatności;
      • zawierających treści lub elementy graficzne o charakterze komercyjnym, reklamowym, dotyczące produktów innych niż oferowane w Sklepie.
    3. Sprzedawca i/lub dostawca zewnętrznego programu do badania satysfakcji klienta / opinii klienta może moderować Opinie, co oznacza, że Opinie niezgodne z Regulaminem nie będą opublikowane lub mogą być usunięte.
    4. W przypadku zablokowania lub usunięcia Opinii, Sprzedawca poinformuje o tym klienta, podając uzasadnienie. W takim przypadku klient może złożyć odwołanie na zasadach opisanych w punkcie X. 5 Regulaminu.
    5. Odwołania od decyzji dotyczących Opinii (dalej “Odwołanie”) mogą być składane:
      • w formie elektronicznej na adres: alicjamaxmaximus@gmail.com
      • lub w formie pisemnej na adres: Ul Kolejowa 14, 66-120 Kargowa.
      Sprzedawca w formie elektronicznej niezwłocznie potwierdzi otrzymanie Odwołania (jeżeli osoba skladająca Odwołanie udostępniła Sprzedawcy adres e-mail). Sprzedawca rozpatrzy Odwołanie w takiej formie, w jakiej zostało ono złożone (pisemnie lub poprzez wiadomość e-mail) w terminie 14 dni od otrzymania Odwołania.
    6. Każda osoba odwiedzająca Sklep ma możliwość złożenia Sprzedawcy zawiadomienia (dalej “Zawiadomienie”), jeśli uważa, że w Sklepie w ramach Opinii zamieszczono nielegalną treść nielegalną w rozumieniu aktu o usługach cyfrowych (DSA) lub sprzeczną z Regulaminem. Zawiadomienia powinny być składane w formie elektronicznej na adres: alicjamaxmaximus@gmail.com.
    7. Sprzedawca w formie elektronicznej niezwłocznie potwierdzi otrzymanie Zawiadomienia. Sprzedawca rozpatrzy Zawiadomienie w terminie 14 dni od jego otrzymania, podając uzasadnienie. Od decyzji Sprzedawcy rozpatrującej Zawiadomienie osoba, która je złożyła, może złożyć odwołanie na zasadach opisanych w punkcie X. 5 Regulaminu.
    8. W przypadku niezadowolenia ze sposobu rozstrzygnięcia przez Sprzedawcę Odwołania, osoba składająca Odwołanie ma możliwość skorzystać z pozasądowych sposobów rozstrzygania sporów, o których mowa w akcie o usługach cyfrowych (DSA).
    9. Sprzedawca nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za Opinie zamieszczane w Sklepie przez klientów, pod warunkiem, że:
      • nie posiada wiedzy o tym, iż Opinia jest nielegalną treścią;
      • niezwłocznie podejmuje odpowiednie działania w celu usunięcia lub uniemożliwienia dostępu do nielegalnych treści, gdy uzyska taką wiedzę lub wiadomość, w szczególności Sprzedawca niezwłocznie rozpatruje Zawiadomienia.
  11. Postanowienia końcowe
    1. Do Umów zawieranych w Sklepie stosuje się prawo polskie. Umowa zawierana jest w języku polskim.
    2. Żadne z postanowień Regulaminu nie wyłącza lub w żadnym stopniu nie ogranicza uprawnień konsumenta (i Przedsiębiorcy Uprzywilejowanego) wynikających z przepisów prawa.
    3. Sprzedawca może dokonywać zmian Regulaminu w każdym czasie, przy czym zmiany takie mają zastosowanie do zamówień złożonych po opublikowaniu nowej wersji Regulaminu, a w przypadku (i) wcześniej zawartych Umów o świadczenie usługi cyfrowej lub usługi elektronicznej, a także w przypadku (ii) klientów posiadających Konto w sklepie - klient będzie powiadomiony o zmianie Regulaminu i możliwości nie zaakceptowania nowej treści.
    4. Regulamin obowiązuje od dnia 09-12-2024 r.

Regulamin Konta
w sklepie Yu'Matcha

  1. Postanowienia ogólne, kontakt ze Sprzedawcą
    1. Niniejszy regulamin konta („Regulamin Konta”) określa zasady i warunki korzystania z konta klienta („Konto”) w sklepie internetowym Yu'Matcha („Sklep”).
    2. These Account Regulations constitute the regulations of the electronic service within the meaning of the Act on the provision of services by electronic means. The Account service is an additional and secondary service in relation to the main activity of the Seller, i.e. offering customers the purchase of Goods. The Account management service is free of charge.
    3. The Account Regulations are a supplement to the Store Regulations. To the extent not regulated in the Account Regulations, the provisions of the Store Regulations shall apply to this service.
    4. The Seller's contact details in matters concerning the Account service are the same as in the case of the Store:
      ul. Kolejowa14, 66-120 Kargowa
      e-mail: alicjamaxmaximus@gmail.com
      tel.: 608678867
  2. Technical requirements and functionalities of the Account service
    1. The technical requirements for using the Account service are the same as for using the Store and are indicated in point II.1. of the Store Regulations.
    2. By using the Account, the Store customer has the option to:
      1. save and store your personal data (including the delivery address) in your Account, which allows you to make subsequent purchases in the Store without having to fill out the address form again,
      2. insight into your order history,
      3. insight into the status of your order.
  3. Agreement for the provision of the Account service, withdrawal from the agreement, resignation from the Account
    1. The creation of an Account by the customer is tantamount to concluding an agreement for the provision of electronic services for an indefinite period. The customer may at any time resign from having an Account without giving a reason. To do this, contact the Seller electronically at alicjamaxmaximus@gmail.com. The customer also has the statutory right to withdraw from the agreement for the provision of the Account management service within 14 days of its conclusion.
  4. Complaints
    1. Towards consumers and Privileged Entrepreneurs, the Seller is liable for the compliance of the Account service with the agreement in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Rights Act. Towards other customers, the Seller is liable under the principles arising from the Civil Code.
    2. Complaints regarding the Account service may be submitted to the Seller in accordance with the procedure set out in points IX. 3-5 of the Store Regulations.
    3. In the event of dissatisfaction with the manner in which the complaint is handled by the Seller, it is also possible to use out-of-court methods of handling complaints and pursuing claims, in accordance with the procedure described in points IX. 6-7 of the Store Regulations.
  5. Personal data
    1. Full information on the processing of personal data of Store customers, including for the purposes of maintaining an Account, can be found in the Privacy Policy.
  6. Changes to Account Terms and Conditions
    1. The Seller may make changes to these Account Regulations on the principles specified in point XI. 3 of the Store Regulations. If the customer does not accept the new wording of the Account Regulations, they may terminate the agreement for the provision of the Account service (by contacting the Seller electronically for this purpose) with a notice period of 14 days.

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